NSD Announces Results of Its Supervisory Board Meeting

17 April 2020
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On 16 April 2020, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of National Settlement Depository (NSD), Russia’s central securities depository, took place.

The Supervisory Board took the following resolution:

  • Relieve Anna Zubanova, a member of NSD’s Customer Committee for Settlement and Depository Services and Tariffs, from her duty.
  • Elect Lyudmila Anufriyeva, Manager for Development of Services on Securities Markets of the Depository Services Department, JSC Raiffeisenbank, as a member of the Customer Committee for Settlement and Depository Services and Tariffs.

The Supervisory Board amended Regulations related to the activities of NSD’s Customer Committees (Customer Committee for Settlement and Depository Services and Tariffs, Customer Committee for Quality Control and Risk Management, and Customer Committee for Registrar and Depository Relations); the amended Regulations now allow using telecommunications means (including telephone and video conferences) to conduct meetings of the Committees.

The Supervisory Board took into account:

  • 2019 Report by the Chairman of NSD’s Executive Board on the Repository’s regulatory risk management;
  • Q1 2020 Report on the NSD Internal Control Department’s Activities Focused on Internal Control over the Professional Securities Market Participant’s Operations.
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