Banking Services

Banking services are provided as a standalone type of services integrated into NSD's depository and clearing businesses, thus making it possible for clients to settle their trades both in the exchange and OTC markets, in Russian rubles and foreign currencies.
Cash transfers for on-exchange or OTC trades, as well as in connection with Bank of Russia's refinancing of credit institutions and Bank of Russia's open market operations.
NSD provides a wide range of cash settlement services both in the Russian and global financial markets.
NSD provides cash settlement services for OTC transactions of professional securities market participants.
A list of credit institutions comprising NSD's NOSTRO accounts network.
The list of LORO correspondents shown on this page is governed, inter alia, by internal NSD's policies.
The Standing Instruction service saves your time and efforts by automatically generating payment instructions when you need them, in accordance with your pre-defined parameters.
The service designed to control and record foreign currency transactions, in particular payments of income from securities and settlement of securities transactions.
Foreign-currency transaction services.
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