
NSD’s employees are part of the company’s capital. At NSD, we pay special attention to staff development and engagement, as well as their social support.

Irina Antonova,
Head of HR


In 2019, NSD’s average headcount amounted to 505 employees* . 97% of our employees have a degree from higher professional education establishments. The general turnover rate decreased as compared to the previous year and remains lower than the average figures across the financial sector, amounting to 7.7% of the average headcount.

In 2019, the number of male vs. female employees was 44% and 56%, respectively. The proportion of female executives in the total number of executives was 52%. The remuneration level at NSD depends on the job functions and position level. The pay level across similar positions for males and females is equal. Throughout 2019, the number of promotions among males and females was approximately the same (4% and 5% of the total number of employees of each gender). These figures indicate gender equality and equal career opportunities.


NSD pays great attention to employee social support. In addition to voluntary medical insurance plans, overseas travel insurance, critical disease and accident insurance, as well as financial assistance due to a variety of events in an employee’s life, as traditionally provided to our staff, in 2019, NSD conducted a number of activities (such as a reality game called Walking Together, topical seminars, and endocrinology screening on site), aimed to maintain and strengthen the employees' health and promote a healthy life style.

The company supports family values, inviting our employees' children to NSD’s premises on the Family Day. The children enjoy diving into their parents' working environment and learning about the exciting world of finance through games, quests, and workshops.


In 2019, NSD’s user-friendly and feature-rich career website was updated and improved. It provides information that is of interest to potential employees. The website allows users to understand the company’s values and priorities and make a well-informed decision when applying for a position at NSD.

The company continuously monitors and uses new communication channels when dealing with potential job applicants. The communication channels directly depend on the target audience that the company is interested in, including both experienced professionals and university and college graduates. Such approach allows us to tell them about our priorities in an open and objective manner, recruit motivated and effective employees, and be a company that is accessible and attractive to young people.


NSD strives to support a high professional level of employees and build the leadership capacity of executives. NSD offers training programs at all levels of employment in the company. These include distance learning, online training and development programs. The company uses the practice of internal cross-functional training. It ensures continuous propagation and accumulation of unique in-house knowledge. All training activities in the company are monitored and analyzed in our internal systems that collect complete HR analytics.

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            In 2018, NSD conducted an employee engagement index survey. It showed that the NSD’s employee engagement level corresponded to that of the
world’s most successful companies. However, the survey revealed a number of areas where our employees were somewhat unsatisfied.  
            In the reporting period, NSD selected internal focus groups involving about 70 employees from various business units. The key problem areas were
            identified within these focus groups.
            Based on the results of focus group analysis, info meetings with employees were arranged and certain changes and improvements in a number of internal
HR processes were introduced.


Achievement of the company’s strategic goals requires well-orchestrated work of all business units. Providing assistance in coordinating teamwork is one of the priorities of NSD’s HR function.

In 2019, NSD conducted a number of team sessions with the key representatives of business and IT divisions. In their course, an internal agreement was reached regarding the teamwork of all members and the responsibility areas of the employees in charge of the company’s internal activities were elaborated.


Year after year, NSD seeks to attract young specialists and ensure they grow into real professionals. Working with students is one of the major priorities in this field.

Internships and an annual conference for students is an important part of work with the young generation. In 2019, the annual NSD Progress conference was held in a new format. The most successful and motivated students of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) were invited as speakers. The company conducted internal training for speakers on the ‘Presentation Skills' topic.

In 2019, the number of students invited as interns to the company was 40% higher than in 2018. This gave more young people an opportunity to gain their first work experience and NSD to recruit a larger number of trained young specialists.