Exercise by Securities Holders of Their Rights Attached to Russian or Non-Russian Securities during the Period of New Year Public Holidays in 2021

25 December 2020
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Ref. № 03-20/8146 dated 23 December 2020

Attn.: NSD's Clients

This is an update to communication Ref. ShA-20/7979 dated 17 December 2020. Please be advised that during the period of New Year public holidays, on 4, 5, 6 and 8 January 2021, corporate actions ("CA") will be conducted as follows:

  1. No services will be provided to assist securities holders to exercise their rights attached to Russian securities, other than services provided automatically, such as:
    • Notifications on record dates and sending reminders of forthcoming CAs;
    • Acceptance and processing of CA Instructions; and
    • Acceptance and processing of instructions to register a list of securities holders disclosed / changes therein.
  2. No services will be provided to assist securities holders to exercise their rights attached to non-Russian securities, other than services and transactions that require prompt execution, such as:
    • CA notification;
    • Acceptance and processing of instructions for which the deadline for submission of CA Instructions, as set by NSD, falls on a public holiday;
    • Securities transactions resulting from CAs, including the blocking of securities; and
    • CA cash movement (credit/debit).

If you have any questions related to this communication, please contact your account managers at +7 (495) 956-27-90/91.

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