NSD’s Renaming

11 August 2016
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Ref. No. АC-20/6271 dated 11 August 2016

Attn.: NSD's Clients

In accordance with the resolution passed by the General Meeting of NSD’s Shareholders on 31 May 2016, and in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Russian Civil Code, please be advised that the name of National Settlement Depository (the “Company”) in the Russian language has been changed.

Starting from 11 August 2016, the Company’s new name in Russian is as follows:

Full name: Небанковская кредитная организация акционерное общество «Национальный расчетный депозитарий».

Short name: НКО АО НРД.

Please note that the Company's full and short names in English have not changed.

The Company’s renaming has resulted in the relevant changes in the Company’s corporate seal, stamps, and letterhead, while other details of the Company (including its Principal State Registration Number (OGRN), Taxpayer Identification Number (INN), Taxpayer Registration Reason Code (KPP), Russian BIC, correspondent account number, as well as its address and telephone numbers) have not changed.

Should you have any questions related to this message, please do not hesitate to contact your account manager at: +7 495 956-27-90, +7 495 956-27-91.

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