Assistance to Securities Holders in Obtaining Beneficial Tax Treatment

NSD provides to its clients (securities holders) the following services associated with the collection and forwarding to issuers/paying agents of necessary documents from holders of Russian corporate bonds the state registration number/identification number to which was assigned prior to 1 January 2012 ("Bonds"), which are required to support their entitlement to beneficial tax treatment of their coupon income:

  • Giving notice to clients of any requests received from the issuer/paying agent for the disclosure of documents required to support the clients' entitlement to beneficial tax treatment of their coupon income, including the disclosure procedure and deadlines;
  • Upon clients' request, advising them on any matters relating to the disclosure of information on Bondholders entitled to beneficial tax treatment of their income, in general and in any specific cases;
  • Compiling documents provided by clients for forwarding to the issuer/paying agent; and
  • Communicating with clients and issuers/paying agents on any matters relating to the recordkeeping of information disclosed by clients with respect to Bondholders in connection with the taxation of their income.

Under a separate agreement between NSD and its clients, NSD provides clients with the service helping Bondholders* obtain a reduced tax rate and, thus, benefit from additional income on securities held by them.

The service involves:

  • Storing documents provided by clients for forwarding to the issuer/paying agent;
  • Forwarding documents stored at NSD to the issuer/paying agent, along with a list of Bondholders entitled to income;
  • Giving notice to clients of the documents forwarded to the issuer/paying agent;
  • Giving notice to clients of the need to submit any further documents to NSD; and
  • Communicating with clients and issuers/paying agents on any matters relating to tax benefits to be provided in accordance with the documents submitted by NSD.

* Foreign organizations domiciled in a jurisdiction with which the Russian Federation has a double taxation treaty.

For further information, please contact the Client Relations Unit (tel.: +7 495 956-27-90).

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