Rules for “Reporting regime” field code during trial operations with all trade types

05 September 2013
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Starting 9 September, in the Master agreement, Contract and quarterly reporting forms code “RussianFederation” should be used in the field “Reporting regime” (fpml:nonpublicExecutionReport/fpml:trade/fpml:tradeHeader/fpml:partyTradeInformation/fpml:reportingRegime/fpml:name) during trial operations, see the “Reporting regime directory”.

For regular reporting please use code “RFTR” for “Reporting regime” field from the same directory when submitting Master agreements, Contracts and quarterly reports reporting forms to the Repository.

After trial operations are completed, it shall be possible to use both codes for reporting to the Repository:

Name Source Description
RussianFederation NSD Russian regulatory requirements for reporting to Repository
RFTR NSD (never used) Russian regulatory requirements for reporting to Repository

In that case when receiving reporting forms any code, Repository shall record information in the Contracts register using «RussianFederation» code.

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